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To get started with NFsim, go the the download page and grab a copy of the program. Your download will include the user manual, where you'll find a quick start guide for running simulations. The manual provides detailed documentation of NFsim and is the first place you should turn to for help. On this page, you will find additional resources, tips, and references for working with the NFsim platform.

Frequently Asked Questions
Known Discrepancies with BioNetGen

NFsim uses the BioNetGen Language for specifying models, but because NFsim is inherently different than standard simulation methods, there are differences in how some rules are interpreted by NFsim as compared to BioNetGen. This difference is because NFsim applies rules directly onto molecule objects, whereas BioNetGen applies rules onto every chemical species. Here is a list of known cases where NFsim interprets molecule patterns differently that BioNetGen's ODE and SSA solvers.

Why should I use NFsim?    back to faq

You should use NFsim if you want to simulate any kind of biochemical reaction system that has large molecular complex formation, molecular aggregation, polymerization, molecules with multiple post-translational modification sites, or cooperative signaling complexes. In all of these cases, NFsim will allow you to quickly construct your model and simulate it faster than ODE or other stochastic approaches. For more details on the performance of NFsim see the features page, or take a look at the example models the demonstrate NFsim's capabilities on the models page.

Note to Agent-Based modelers: Although NFsim uses an agent-based representation of molecules and in many cases uses an agent-based design philosophy, it is not a general purpose agent-based simulator. Indeed, you can construct agent-based simulations where structured objects stochastically interact through labeled interaction sites, where those objects represent entities other than biomolecules. However, keep in mind that NFsim is designed primarily for bio-molecular interactions so that default interaction rates follow biochemical kinetics.

How should I cite NFsim?    back to faq

If you used or extended NFsim to model and simulate a biological system, please let us know and cite NFsim as:

Sneddon MW, Faeder JR and Emonet T. Efficient modeling, simulation and coarse-graining of biological complexity with NFsim. Nature Methods (2011) 8(2):177-83.

Where can I learn more about the BioNetGen Language?    back to faq

First, we recommend that you take a look at BioNetGen's website which has a number of materials on both BioNetGen Language and rule-based modeling in general. For a comprehensive and complete guide to the language, see:

Faeder, JR, Blinov, ML, Hlavacek, WS. (2009) Rule-based Modeling of Biochemical Systems with BioNetGen. in Methods in Molecular Biology, Systems Biology vol. 500. (html)

Remember that some of the BNGL syntax is interpreted slightly differently in NFsim. You can browse the list of differences here. Finally, for more general guides and introductions to rule-based modeling, see the following papers :

Hlavacek, WS, Faeder, JR, Blinov, ML, Posner, RG, Hucka, M and Fontana, W. (2006) Rules for modeling signal-transduction systems. Sci. STKE. 344, re6 (html)

Hlavacek, WS, Faeder, JR, Blinov, ML, Perelson, AS, and Goldstein, B. (2003) The complexity of complexes in signal transduction. Biotechnol. Bioeng., 84, 783-794 (html)

Can NFsim simulate spatial biochemical models?    back to faq

No. Like standard ODE and stochastic biochemical simulators, NFsim can only currently simulate well-mixed volumes. However, keep in mind that in some systems, such as in the actin example model, the spatial structure of the molecules can be inferred from the connectivity of the molecules. Still, we recognize the need for introducing spatial aspects into models. Therefore we are hard at work developing spatial capabilities in NFsim, both to simulate multiple compartments (such as the nucleus, cytoplasm, etc) based on compartmental BNGL, and spatially resolved simulations using a reaction-diffusion approach similar to MesoRD. Together with collaborators, we are also extending the BioNetGen Language to support spatial constraints.

Can I run my SBML model in NFsim?    back to faq

The short answer is no. SBML is an XML based model specification file for biochemical reaction networks. Currently, in SBML you have to explicitly write out every possible chemical species and reaction, and there is no support for defining rules that define how types of molecules interact. That said, we strongly believe in a standard file format for model exchange in systems biology and will build support for SBML as soon as it can handle NFsim style models.

How should I visualize simulation results?    back to faq

Standard simulation output is sent to a text file with the ".gdat" extension. This file is just a table of Observable counts at each time point, so you can plot the results in many different programs. NFsim comes with a simple Java based plotting program called PhiBPlot that reads "gdat" files. We also highly recommend using Matlab, where you can read in the file with the command:
[data,headers] = tblread(['filename']);
This will read the file and store the results in a matrix named data allowing you to use Matlab's powerful plotting tools. Of course, you can always import the file into Excel or write your own custom program as well.

NFsim also supports more complex output in the form of a complete system dump. The system dump allows you to get the entire state of the system at any specified time. Details on setting up a system dump is provided in the user manual. NFsim comes with a set of Matlab tools for automatically reading the output that are also described in the user manual.

How do I perform single molecule tracking?    back to faq

To perform single molecule tracking, you will have to use NFsim's complete system dump option. This will output the entire state of the system at every specified time point. Molecules in NFsim have a unique ID number, so when you process the output files, you can identify particular molecules and follow their trajectories over the course of a simulation or the lifetime of that molecule. For details on setting up system dumps and processing the output, consult the user manual.

My NFsim results are different than BioNetGen's ODE or SSA! Why?    back to faq

NFsim uses the BioNetGen Language for specifying models, so for model files that do not use NFsim's functional rate laws, you can run simulations using BioNetGen's ODE or SSA solver as well. In nearly all cases where ODEs and SSA methods can be used, ODEs and SSA solvers will produce the exact same results as NFsim.

However, NFsim operates with a completely different underlying algorithm that acts on individual molecule objects instead of on every chemical species. Therefore, in certain situations, rules are interpreted differently in NFsim as compared to the SSA or ODEs because they are applied directly onto molecules. These are not necessarily bugs, but are rather differences in how patterns are interpreted.

You can see a listing and description of the known cases where NFsim will produce different results than BioNetGen's SSA or ODE solvers here.

Of course, if you find a discrepancy between NFsim and the ODEs or SSA that cannot be explained by one of the known cases, please let us know. It might be a discrepancy we aren't aware of or a possible bug in either NFsim or BioNetGen.

Reactant connectivity enforcement    back to discrepancy list

This is the most common discrepancy that you might encounter. In BioNetGen, the default behavior enforces the connectivity of bi-molecular reactions. For instance, in the simple binding rule,
A(b) + B(a) -> A(b!1).B(a!1) kOn
BioNetGen will only allow a reaction to occur if molecules 'A' and 'B' are part of separate complexes. For instance, if your system has a molecular species such as
then BioNetGen will never allow the binding rule above to connect this molecule 'A' to molecule 'B'. In NFsim, the default behavior is different because NFsim operates directly on molecules. NFsim doesn't care about the molecule 'X' at all, but will notice that the 'A' and 'B' molecules have open binding sites and so will allow them to interact. This is actually useful in many systems where you want two molecules to interact regardless of whether or not they are connected to the same complex. Another reason for making this the default behavior in NFsim is because it allows NFsim to run more efficiently, and most of the time you don't need to check the connectivity of molecules.

However, if you do need to enforce the condition that two molecules are not connected, NFsim has a complex / aggregate bookkeeping option that allows you to do so. It should be noted that this bookkeeping system will make your simulations slower, particularly when large complexes form, because whenever unbinding reactions occur, the connectivity map of the individual molecules must be updated. To turn on the complex bookkeeping option, run NFsim with the argument "-cb". See the user manual for more details on complex and aggregate bookkeeping.

Product connectivity enforcement    back to discrepancy list

BioNetGen does not allow certain reactions to occur if they break the connectivity pattern of the product. For instance, consider the rule:
A(a!1).B(b!1) -> A(a).B(b) kUnbind
For this rule, BioNetGen will only allow the unbinding reaction to occur if the reaction does not break the larger molecular complex. For NFsim, this constraint is difficult to enforce because it would require checking the entire complex every time an unbinding reaction takes place. Therefore, by default NFsim does not enforce this constraint. Now consider the rule,
A(a!1).B(b!1) -> A(a) + B(b) kOff
Again, BioNetGen will enforce the condition that the reactant complex must be broken when the bond between 'A' and 'B' is removed, whereas NFsim will allow the reaction to occur regardless of what products are generated. Again, this saves NFsim from having to check, for ever unbinding reaction, the connectivity of the products. In NFsim, then, specifying either of the rules above will allow the unbinding reaction regardless of whether or not the product connectivity constraint is satisfied. In NFsim molecules are treated as the primary objects (not molecular species, as in BioNetGen), so this interpretation of rules makes sense. The constraint on the reactant molecules should be declared in the reactant pattern, not in the product pattern. This is actually very useful in many models where you want two molecules to unbind regardless of how the products are connected.

Although NFsim has a complex bookkeeping option, it is not currently set up to enforce product connectivity. In most cases, however, if the standard BioNetGen behavior is needed, it can be added to the reactant pattern. For instance, if we know that, aside from the bond between components 'a' and 'b', molecules 'A' and 'B' can only be connected through the component site 'x' on 'A', as in:
then we can enforce whatever connectivity on the products we like by defining the reaction as:
>A(a!1,x!+).B(b!1) -> A(a,x!+).B(b) kUnbind
A(a!1,x).B(b!1) -> A(a,x) + B(b) kOff
In either cases, you can enforce the same constraint as in BioNetGen. The difference is that these rules will operate much faster in NFsim as compared to the extra work that would be required to check connectivity of the products that form.

Reaction centers vs. context in molecule observables    back to discrepancy list

In BNGL, you can define long-range interactions using the "connected-to" syntax. This syntax allows you to specify that two molecules are connected, but with out directly specifying how they are connected. For example, in BNGL, you will write
to identify that 'A' is connected to 'B' with a bond from component site 'b' on 'A' to component site 'a' on 'B'. However, you can also write
This pattern will match all situations where 'A' is connected to 'B'. Notice, however, that this behavior can be dangerous. For instance, if you have a phospho-transfer rule such as
A(p~PHOS).B(p~UNPHOS) -> A(p~UNPHOS).B(p~PHOS) kPhos
and you have complex in your system that looks like this:
Then you might expect the next phospho-transfer rule to occur with a propensity 2*kPhos because there are two A's. You would be wrong. The propensity of the rule for this particular species will be 4*kPhos because there are 4 ways the reaction can take place. Each A can phosphorylate each of the two B's. Both BioNetGen and NFsim, therefore, will set the propensity to be 4*kPhos. Now consider an auto-dephosphorylation rule,
A(p~PHOS).B() -> A(p~UNPHOS).B() kAutoDePhos
We still have the condition that 'A' must be connected to 'B', but no actual transformation takes place on molecule 'B'. Again consider the complex that we had before with two 'A's and two 'B's. You might guess, based on the discussion of the phospho-transfer rule that the propensity will be 4*kAutoDePhos. That is also wrong. The rule is interpreted, by both BioNetGen and NFsim as: 'A' can be dephosphorylated if it is connected to a 'B' molecule. There are only two A molecules, so regardless of how many 'B's they are connected-to, the rule can only be mapped twice. Thus, we have the propensity of 2*kAutoDePhos.

The difference is the BNGL distinguishes between reaction centers (the sites that are modified) and reaction context (the condition that must be met for the rule to occur). Pairs of reaction centers match every possible combintation, but reaction context only has to be matched once.

You can be confident that both NFsim and BioNetGen reproduces this behavior. A difference arises, however, in matching Observable patterns. In NFsim Molecule Observables, the first molecule of the pattern is always identified (essentially treated as the reaction center) and the rest of the pattern is treated as context. This means that the observable pattern
might not return the same value as
In BioNetGen, this behavior is different and 'A().B()' will return the same result as 'B().A()'. Namely, BioNetGen will match all possible mappings of the pattern onto each molecular species, as if both molecules are reaction centers. NFsim, instead, will find all 'A's that have a connected 'B' or all 'B's that have a connected 'A'. The reason for this behavior is efficiency. Because NFsim looks at each molecule individually when matching patterns, it would have to match the 'A' first, then look for all possible 'B's, making your simulation slower.

An alternative to this behavior is to specify the bond explicitly or use Species observables, defined as:
begin observables
Species AB A().B()
end observables
This will count the number of complexes that have an 'A' and 'B' and will give the same results in BioNetGen and NFsim. Species Observables run slower in NFsim because you now have to keep track of all molecular aggregates or complexes in addition to individual molecules. Thus, to run a Species observable, you have to turn on aggregate bookkeeping with the command-line flag '-cb'. If you have large complexes, this will make your code run much slower.

MatchOnce and DeleteMolecules keywords    back to discrepancy list

Currently, NFsim does not interpret the 'MatchOnce' keyword in BioNetGen. The reason is that NFsim operates on individual molecules, whereas the "MatchOnce" keyword implicitly tries to match entire species. Therefore, the option to "MatchOnce" is simply ignored and should not be used in NFsim models.

Second, molecule degradation in special cases has a slightly different behavior in NFsim. In BioNetGen, for historical reasons, if you have a rule:
A(b!1).B(a!1) -> A(b) kDeg
where the 'B' molecule is degraded, BioNetGen will only allow this reaction to take place if the resulting product is connected. In other words, if you have a molecular complex such as:
then removing molecule 'B' will produce two molecular species,
A(b) and C(b)
This behavior is again a result of the fact that BioNetGen interprets rules as selectors of connected molecular species, whereas NFsim interprets rules as applying directly onto molecules. In BioNetGen, you can override this default behavior by using the 'DeleteMolecules' keyword, as in:
A(b!1).B(a!1) -> A(b) kDeg   DeleteMolecules
Then, the reaction will be allowed even if it creates two new product species. Because NFsim looks at molecules directly, this distinction in products does not make sense. Therefore, in an attempt to conform to BNGL standard, NFsim will not run for such rules unless the 'DeleteMolecules' keyword is used.

Symmetry in "palindrome" reactant patterns    back to discrepancy list

In some cases, NFsim will fail to identify symmetry in a pattern that BioNetGen will detect. For instance, consider the double phosphorylation rule,
A(p~U,b!1).B(a!1,a!2).A(p~U,b!2) ->
    A(p~P,b!1).B(a!1,a!2).A(p~P,b!2) kDoublePhos
In NFsim, the pattern can be read the same forwards as well as backwards. If this is the case, then it will set the apparent rate for this rule to be double that of BioNetGen. It does this because NFsim matches patterns to molecules directly instead of to entire species as BioNetGen does. In this rule, for instance, NFsim looks for 'A' molecules that satisfy the condition starting at the beginning of the pattern. Notice, however, that an 'A' that satisfies the condition will be counted twice because the exact same molecule can match from the front or the back This behavior is very subtle, but can lead to different results between NFsim and BioNetGen.

Note that this symmetry arises very rarely, so you will probably never encounter it. For example, if we defined the same rule as before, except with a 'B' molecule that does not have identical sites, as in:
A(p~U,b!1).B(a1!1,a2!2).A(p~U,b!2) ->
    A(p~P,b!1).B(a1!1,a2!2).A(p~P,b!2) kDoublePhos
then you cannot match the pattern the same way from either 'A' molecule in the pattern. Therefore, you will get the same results as BioNetGen. In general, this type of "palindrome" symmetry will never arise in rules where only one component state is changed (because you can only match the pattern with the molecule that is being updated once), and will also never arise in cases where the the initial state or other rule constraint is different for the updated molecules. For instance, the cross-phosphorylation rule below will work the same in BioNetGen and NFsim because a given 'A' molecule will only match one of the 'A's in the reactant pattern.
A(p~P,b!1).B(a!1,a!2).A(p~U,b!2) ->
    A(p~U,b!1).B(a!1,a!2).A(p~P,b!2) kTransPhos

Hidden symmetry in dimerization reactions    back to discrepancy list

Dimerization reactions generally take the form,
A(dd) + A(dd) -> A(dd!1).A(dd!1) kDimer
In such a rule, a molecule 'A' with an open component 'dd' can bind to another molecule 'A'. Because a molecule or molecular species will match either of the two 'A' reactants in the rule, BioNetGen will effectively count every combination of interactions between two 'A' molecules twice. To account for this, both BioNetGen and NFsim will divide the given reaction rate, kDimer, by a factor two when calculating the propensity of the reaction to occur in order to produce the correct dimerization kinetics.

In some rules, however, there is a hidden symmetry that NFsim does not detect because NFsim applies rules to molecules directly. For instance, consider the rule,
A(dd,p~P) + A(dd) -> A(dd!1,p~P).A(dd!1) kDimer
In this rule, although the reactant patterns for the interacting 'A's are different, there is a hidden symmetry. Some 'A' molecules will match both patterns, such as this 'A' molecule:
but other 'A' molecules will only match the second pattern, such as an unphosphorylated 'A':
BioNetGen applies rules to molecular species and generates all the possible reactions needed by the SSA or ODEs. Therefore, BioNetGen can detect the symmetry and add the dimerization factor for the molecular species combination:
A(dd,p~P) + A(dd,p~P)
but does not have to add the dimerization factor for the molecular species combination:
A(dd,p~P) + A(dd,p~U)
NFsim, however, only has the patterns to work with, so currently will not detect this hidden symmetry. Because the first reactant pattern represents a subset of the second reactant pattern, some molecules in the system will match both reactants, but others will not. NFsim only has one rate for the rule, so NFsim currently does not account for the hidden symmetry and will assume the reaction does not follow dimerization kinetics.

Due to this behavior, we recommend that users avoid dimerization rules where one of the reactant patterns represents a subset of the other reactant pattern. For all other dimerization rules, where the patterns are identical, NFsim will indeed detect the symmetry and produce the same results as BioNetGen.

Symmetry in unbinding reactions    back to discrepancy list

Similar to dimerization reactions, unbinding reations can exhibit symmetry that should be corrected for in reaction rates. In standard BioNetGen, the symmetry of unbinding reactions depends on the products that are generated by the rule. For instance, the following unbinding rule is symmetric
A(dd!1).A(dd!1) -> A(dd) + A(dd) kUnbind
NFsim and BioNetGen will handle this basic case. However, if another transformation of the reactants were to occur in the same rule, and that transformation was not symmetric, for instance:
A(dd!1,p~P).A(dd!1,p~P) -> A(dd,p~U) + A(dd,p~P) kUnbind
Then BioNetGen will determine that this reaction is not symmetric based on the products. NFsim, however, is agnostic to the state of the products. NFsim simply applies every transformation defined at the time the reaction is executed- it never even looks at the cumulative set of transformations before then, so it never "knows" what products a rule will generate. This is important in handling combinatorial complexity, because in many cases it is impossible to enumerate the set of possible product molecular species. However, this means that the reaction above will be treated as a symmetric reaction (because symmetry was identified in the reactant unbinding transformation), and so will produce different results than BioNetGen. Therefore, we suggest that you break up such a rule into two elementary steps, for instance, by simulating the phosphorylation step first and the unbinding step second.