NFcore Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Contains the primary classes and functions of NFsim.

This namespace contains all the basic components needed for a typical simulation in NFsim. The main classes are defined in the NFcore.hh header file for convenience, but the actual definitions are in the appropriately named cpp files. Additional classes in the NFcore namespace for handling reactions, functions, modules, and other features are spread throughout the code. When developing NFsim, it is advisable to work in this namespace if you are working on core NFsim functionality. If, instead, you are merely putting in an add on or manipulating a System, you should create a new namespace.

Michael Sneddon


class  MoleculeList
 Keeps a set of molecules neatly for a MoleculeType. More...
class  ComplexList
 Container to organize all system complexes. More...
class  System
 The main class that begins and runs simulations. More...
class  MoleculeType
 Keeps track of the types of molecules that can exist. More...
class  Molecule
 Each molecule in the system is represented by an instance of this. More...
class  ReactionClass
 Abstract Base Class that defines the interface for all reaction rules. More...
class  Complex
 Container to dynamically keep track of all system complexes. More...
class  Observable
 Tracks the counts of predefined observables in the simulation. More...
class  MoleculesObservable
class  SpeciesObservable
class  ReactionSelector
class  DirectSelector
class  LogClassSelector
class  TemplateMolecule
 Used for matching Molecule objects to the given pattern. More...
class  FuncFactory
 Parses mathmatical functions that can be easily used anywhere. More...
class  GlobalFunction
 Defines functions to be used globally in a simulation. More...
class  FunctionReference
class  StateCounter
class  LocalFunction
class  CompositeFunction
class  Outputter
class  DumpSystem
 Class for outputting the state of the system. More...
class  Mapping
 Keeps a pointer to a molecule and remembers a single component to act on. More...
class  MapGenerator
 Knows how to assign mappings in a MappingSet to a particular Molecule. More...
class  MappingSet
 Keeps a list of mappings needed by a particular list of reactants. More...
class  ReactantContainer
 Interface for all containers of Reactants (MappingSets) needed by ReactionClasses. More...
class  ReactantList
 Maintains a list of MappingSets needed by ReactionClass. More...
class  ReactantTree
 Maintains a tree of MappingSets needed by Distribution of Rates Reactions. More...
class  BasicRxnClass
class  FunctionalRxnClass
class  MMRxnClass
class  DORRxnClass
class  SpeciesCreator
class  TransformationFactory
class  Transformation
class  LocalFunctionReference
class  EmptyTransform
class  StateChangeTransform
class  BindingTransform
class  BindingSeparateComplexTransform
class  UnbindingTransform
class  AddMoleculeTransform
class  RemoveMoleculeTransform
class  IncrementStateTransform
class  DecrementStateTransform
class  TransformationSet
 Maintains a set of Transformation objects for a ReactionClass. More...


void test ()
void test_tree ()
void test_simple ()

Function Documentation

void NFcore::test (  ) 

Function used for initial testing of the entire "mapping" construct including MappingSets, TransformationSets, ReactantLists, etc.

Michael Sneddon

void NFcore::test_simple (  ) 

Some very simple initial testing and debugging of ReactantLists and the rest of the mapping functions unter NFreactions

Michael Sneddon

void NFcore::test_tree (  ) 

Generated on Thu Dec 9 11:02:48 2010 for NFsim by  doxygen 1.5.4