/home/msneddon/eclipse/galileoSR1_cpp/workspace/NFsim/src/NFinput/NFinput.hh File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <exception>
#include "../NFcore/NFcore.hh"
#include "../NFoutput/NFoutput.hh"
#include "../NFfunction/NFfunction.hh"
#include "../NFreactions/reactions/reaction.hh"
#include "TinyXML/tinyxml.h"

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namespace  NFinput


class  NFinput::component
 Maintains information about a component of a TemplateMolecule. More...


SystemNFinput::initializeFromXML (string filename, bool blockSameComplexBinding, int globalMoleculeLimit, bool verbose, int &suggestedTraversalLimit)
 Maintains information about a component of a TemplateMolecule.
bool NFinput::initParameters (TiXmlElement *pListOfParameters, System *s, map< string, double > &parameter, bool verbose)
 Reads the parameter XML block and puts them in the parameter map.
bool NFinput::initFunctions (TiXmlElement *pListOfFunctions, System *system, map< string, double > &parameter, TiXmlElement *pListOfObservables, map< string, int > &allowedStates, bool verbose)
 Reads the Function XML block and adds the Functions to the system.
bool NFinput::initMoleculeTypes (TiXmlElement *pListOfMoleculeTypes, System *system, map< string, int > &allowedStates, bool verbose)
 Reads the MoleculeType XML block and adds the MoleculeTypes to the system.
bool NFinput::FindReactionRuleSymmetry (TiXmlElement *pRxnRule, System *s, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, map< string, component > &symComps, map< string, component > &symRxnCenter, bool verbose)
bool NFinput::readPatternForSymmetry (TiXmlElement *pListOfMol, System *s, string patternName, map< string, component > &comps, map< string, component > &symComps, bool verbose)
bool NFinput::generateRxnPermutations (vector< map< string, component > > &permutations, map< string, component > &symComps, map< string, component > &symRxnCenter, bool verbose)
bool NFinput::readObservableForTemplateMolecules (TiXmlElement *pObs, string observableName, vector< TemplateMolecule * > &tmList, vector< string > &stochRelation, vector< int > &stochQuantity, System *s, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, int obsType, bool verbose, int &suggestedTraversalLimit)
bool NFinput::initStartSpecies (TiXmlElement *pListOfSpecies, System *system, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, bool verbose)
 Reads a Species XML block, creates the molecules and adds them to the system.
bool NFinput::initReactionRules (TiXmlElement *pListOfReactionRules, System *system, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, bool blockSameComplexBinding, bool verbose, int &suggestedTraversalLimit)
 Reads a reactionRule XML block and adds the rules to the system.
bool NFinput::initObservables (TiXmlElement *pListOfObservables, System *system, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, bool verbose, int &suggestedTraversalLimit)
 Reads an observable XML block and adds the new observables to the system.
TemplateMoleculeNFinput::readPattern (TiXmlElement *pListOfMol, System *s, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, string patternName, map< string, TemplateMolecule * > &templates, map< string, component > &comps, map< string, component > &symMap, bool verbose, int &suggestedTraversalLimit)
 Reads a pattern XML block and returns the set of new TemplateMolecule objects.
bool NFinput::readProductPattern (TiXmlElement *pListOfMol, System *s, map< string, double > &parameter, map< string, int > &allowedStates, string patternName, vector< MoleculeType * > &productMoleculeTypes, vector< vector< int > > &stateInformation, vector< vector< int > > &bindingSiteInformation, bool verbose)
 Reads a pattern XML block and returns the set of new TemplateMolecule objects.
bool NFinput::lookup (component *&c, string id, map< string, component > &comps, map< string, component > &symMap)
bool NFinput::parseArguments (int argc, const char *argv[], map< string, string > &argMap)
 Parses command line arguments from the console nicely.
int NFinput::parseAsInt (map< string, string > &argMap, string argName, int defaultValue)
 Looks up the argument in the argMap and tries to parse the value as an integer.
double NFinput::parseAsDouble (map< string, string > &argMap, string argName, double defaultValue)
 Looks up the argument in the argMap and tries to parse the value as a double.
void NFinput::parseAsCommaSeparatedSequence (map< string, string > &argMap, string argName, vector< int > &sequence)
 Looks up the argument in the argMap and tries to parse the value as a comma delimited sequence of ints.
void NFinput::walk (System *s)
 Allows the user to walk through the system with an interactive text-based program.
bool NFinput::createSystemDumper (string paramStr, System *s, bool verbose)
 Parses the cmd line arg that specifies system dumps, and schedules them.
bool NFinput::parseSequence (string numString, vector< double > &outputTimes)
 Parses a matlab style sequence (ie startValue:step:endValue) into the vector.
bool NFinput::readRNFfile (map< string, string > &argMap, vector< string > &commands, bool verbose)
bool NFinput::runRNFcommands (System *s, map< string, string > &argMap, vector< string > &commands, bool verbose)

Generated on Thu Dec 9 11:02:48 2010 for NFsim by  doxygen 1.5.4